Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I helped Payton enter artwork in the PTA Reflections contest, the theme was "Diversity, celebrating differences through the arts"  I explained to her what diversity meant and she decided to make a picture of leaves because they are all different shapes, different colors when they change in the fall and they are all pretty.  Here is her artwork.

We picked up leaves from outside and I helped her trace them onto different fabric but she cut them all out and glued them herself.  Only 7 students in the entire school did it, she was a little shy because she didn't know she would be the only one in her class, she was actually the only one in Kindergarten. They had cake cookies and lemonade and Reagan was very excited about that!
What the judges wrote about her artwork

Holding her art outside of the library, they hung it up in the front hallway of the school today and she saw it and was excited :)

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