The day Reagan has waited for finally arrived, she was so excited about going to school and riding the bus! She stood outside for 15 minutes this morning asking when the bus was coming, she could hardly stand it. As soon as Mrs. Evans pulled up she ran right up the steps, she had to tell her to stop and turn around so I could take her picture! She sits in the first seat right behind the bus driver. Payton asked if she could sit with her but they all have assigned seats, and said maybe they could sit together later on. When Reagan got off the bus this afternoon she sat and watched it drive away like she was so sad to get off and wished she could ride it longer, so funny.

They both had a great day of school, Reagan took a tour of the school and got to be the line leader because she is the shortest in the class! Payton got to search the school looking for Isabelle the Important Fish, they found her in their classroom the most important room in the school, they had to write about her and then got to eat the special snack she left for them, Hershey kisses. Payton's teacher Miss Altieri has an ocean theme for her classroom and she has taken it to the fullest extent, referring to everything in ocean/sea terms, it makes it a lot of fun.
Payton picked out her outfit herself and her new scarf that goes with "practically everything" she says. I'll never forget her saying that, so cute!
Reagan ate all of her lunch, we were worried about whether or not she would have time to eat it all and would she just eat her fruit by the foot, or if the sandwich would be gone? But she ate everything, she packed it herself and wanted to pack it again tonight she thinks taking her own lunch is a lot of fun! Payton already wants to buy lunch tomorrow, they are having cheeseburgers.
I'm so happy they love school and it's so fun to see Reagan excited about being independent and doing things herself! Before she went to bed tonight she told me that she was tired at school today, 15 minutes later she was asleep, she fell asleep the earliest tonight she has maybe ever, no nap at Kindergarten wore her out!
Carrying her backpack that is as big as she is! |
Nabeel and Nazeem came to see them before the first day. |
Taking care of her little sissy. |