Friday, February 1, 2013

Poppin Tags

I like thrift stores, I like rap songs, and I like challenges.  I had never heard the Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song Thrift Shop until my favorite DIY blog, Young House Love posted their Thrift Shop Challenge.

I was in. Finding time to get there was a bigger challenge.  I didn't have time to go to a thrift shop in the city which I'm sure would have scored many more interesting items but dragged my kids to the suburban Goodwill to see what we could find.  Here we go..."Ice on the fridge is so damn frosty"  well it was pretty frosty in the 30 degree, 30 mph wind gusts trying to get my 7 year old to take a picture and not lose the $20 in the process!

"They had a broken keyboard"  seriously, does every thrift store have one of these?

"Dressed all in pink, except my gator shoes, those are green"

"Draped in a leopard mink...."  Well, close enough

These had to be included just for the hilarity. 
 The fish sang and my girls thought it was hilarious! I do not ever remember seeing the McDonald's commercial that this guy sang about.  And also, there must be a reason why all singing fish you ever find at Goodwill still in the box!

And this was the biggest tv remote we'd ever seen!

And here's what I bought....

These still had the tag on the inside and do not look like they were ever worn.  Pink polka dot $50 Etienne Aginer wedges for $10
and a cute pink Pyrex bowl for $3.25 just like some olive green ones my Mom had. I don't know what I'll do with it but I had to have it.  $13.25 total!

I can't wait to see what everyone else scored for their $20!