The girls were super excited about Easter, they asked for days if it was time for the Easter Bunny to come yet. The night before Reagan had been eating a piece of bread and had left it on the coffee table, after she went to sleep I threw it away, she was so excited the next morning that the Easter Bunny had eaten it! She keeps talking about how the Easter Bunny ate her bread and I didn't tell her any different.
They came downstairs and brought back up the baskets and put them on our bed, they opened up the hollow chocolate bunnies and immediately had chocolate all over the bed! Reagan of course ate as much candy as she could as quickly as possible, Payton loved the little gel pens in her basket.
Payton slid down the wet slide and flew off the end after she got the eggs off the fort at the top, she was cracking up!
After Church we went to Bryan Park and had a picnic lunch with Tung's Mom and Grandma, the azalea garden there is so beautiful, I love these pictures of the girls with all the pretty azalea's behind them.