Reagan started out the week before her birthday with her party at Miss Gail's house. We did a Minnie Mouse theme and I made a pin the bow on Minnie's head and they had Minnie party hats. Gail said she totally knew what the presents were all about and knew they were hers. She still thinks she's 1 though. When you tell her on her birthday she'll be 2, she gets all mad and says "No, Mommy, Reagan 1!!"
Saturday the 3rd we had her party. She had a great time opening her presents.
She opened them much more slowly than Payton does now. She was cute to watch.
Not quite so sure about blowing the candles out, we had to help her.
Enjoying her cake cup as she calls them, she loved the chocolate frosting! Not quite the same as the first birthday, but still fun to see her love it so much.
Morning after the party, she is still holding onto the Elmo balloon with one hand, while she ate Apple Jacks with the other hand while watching the Disney channel.
A blog to help me remember significant things I don't want to forget. That is when I remember to add them.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Payton never drew and colored on things as much as Reagan. Reag especially likes to draw on herself. Last Sunday she drew all over her arms, and Payton's arm because she happened to be sitting beside her. Thank goodness for washable markers!
Reagan's first boo boo
Recently Reagan got her first boo boo on her knee where she was bleeding enough to actually "need" a bandaid rather than just "wanting" a bandaid. She was running with a little girl on the sidewalk while waiting for Payton to finish her dance class and fell down. She was quite proud of the bandaid.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So I knew it would happen at some point, a little surprised actually that it hasn't happened before now, but Payton cut her own hair with the scissors. I couldn't even tell and I'm sure when she did it but I found a fist full on the carpet, near a mirror and the scissors. She didn't want to tell me what she did. I had to tell her that Mommy just wanted to know, I wasn't going to be mad, I just wanted her to tell me. She was very shy but finally told me, she said she wanted to be like me and cut her hair like I cut her hair. Um...not quite the same!
Dance Recital
This just might be my favorite picture I took during rehearsal. I love her pointed toes and how graceful she looks
Payton's first dance recital was last Saturday. Thank goodness for Auntie Lori who helped do hair so well that it stayed up all day without having to re-do! It was a lot of fun having our whole family come and Payton felt very special. I just about cried when I saw her on the stage the first time, pointing her toes and moving her arms so gracefully. She did such a good job and we are so proud of her!
Her leg is so high and so straight!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
Though it was 100 degrees on Father's Day, Tung wanted to go to the baseball game. Thankfully it was at 5:00 and the seats in the stadium are shaded so it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I did sneak in some snacks and drinks for the girls. They did great, they both think it's great fun to go to the game, Payton especially for the cotton candy or dippin dots.
We got to go on the field before the game and play catch in the outfield and we all ran the bases after the game, well Reagan ran halfway to 2nd base and I had to carry her the rest of the way!
They gave you these balls to play catch with when you walked onto the field, you dropped them in a bucket when you were done.
I played catch with Payton too
Payton seriously enjoying the cotton candy. Notice the band-aid on her ankle. We had to find the first aid as soon as we got there because she fell in the parking lot on the way in, it wasn't bad but she just wouldn't stop talking about it, so the nice nurse in first aid understood and gave her a band-aid without making us fill out any treatment paperwork.
Piling on Daddy which didn't last long since it was so hot!!
We got to go on the field before the game and play catch in the outfield and we all ran the bases after the game, well Reagan ran halfway to 2nd base and I had to carry her the rest of the way!
They gave you these balls to play catch with when you walked onto the field, you dropped them in a bucket when you were done.
I played catch with Payton too
Payton seriously enjoying the cotton candy. Notice the band-aid on her ankle. We had to find the first aid as soon as we got there because she fell in the parking lot on the way in, it wasn't bad but she just wouldn't stop talking about it, so the nice nurse in first aid understood and gave her a band-aid without making us fill out any treatment paperwork.
Piling on Daddy which didn't last long since it was so hot!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Putter goes to the Dentist
In the car on the way home, Payton told me that Putter had to go to the dentist this morning. I asked her Why? and she said that Putter was going to have a baby and that made her teeth hurt so she had to go to the dentist to make them better. I asked when the baby was going to be born and she said tomorrow morning. Putter will wake her up early and she will take her to the hospital to have her baby and then they'll go to the dentist to check her teeth and then come home. I asked if the baby would need to have her teeth checked and she said, no just Putter because the baby pushes on her teeth and makes them hurt. I love the pretend and make believe!
This is how we found her one night when we went in to check on her before going to bed. She didn't just have Putter but jingle putter and spotty dog too!
This is how we found her one night when we went in to check on her before going to bed. She didn't just have Putter but jingle putter and spotty dog too!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lake Anna
Today we went to Lake Anna, it's only about an hour from here and parking and everything is about $15 for all of us for a day. We packed a picnic lunch and ate once we got there. Payton would live in the water, she wanted in as soon as we got there. Reagan however sat right down and said "eat sandwich"
We had a life vest sort of thing for Payton this year, she wore it some but it worked out a lot better for Reagan, it helps not have to hold all their weight and Reag thought it was fun to float a little and be able to kick her legs out behind her.
The water is so calm and not deep at all Payton loves that she can walk around in it, we still watch her close because there are a few waves that can knock you off balance. They both love when their Daddy throws them up high, I can bounce them a little bit but not as high as him.
Reagan had fun throwing the sand, she even hit the camera in this shot
And they both had snowcones before we left, of course both were covered in sticky goo and Tung had to take them into the water to rinse off before we walked back to the car.
We stopped and bought a dozen crabs at Captain Jack's Crab Shack on the way home, they were really good.
A minute after putting Reagan in the car she looked like this
Two minutes after putting Reagan in the car she looked like this
She was just a little tired!
We had a life vest sort of thing for Payton this year, she wore it some but it worked out a lot better for Reagan, it helps not have to hold all their weight and Reag thought it was fun to float a little and be able to kick her legs out behind her.
The water is so calm and not deep at all Payton loves that she can walk around in it, we still watch her close because there are a few waves that can knock you off balance. They both love when their Daddy throws them up high, I can bounce them a little bit but not as high as him.
Reagan had fun throwing the sand, she even hit the camera in this shot
And they both had snowcones before we left, of course both were covered in sticky goo and Tung had to take them into the water to rinse off before we walked back to the car.
We stopped and bought a dozen crabs at Captain Jack's Crab Shack on the way home, they were really good.
A minute after putting Reagan in the car she looked like this
Two minutes after putting Reagan in the car she looked like this
She was just a little tired!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Singing in the Rain
Payton was playing with her umbrella after dinner tonight so we turned the hose on her after watering the garden. It's so great how a hose and an umbrella gives such awesome smiles!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Lightning Bulbs
It's funny how kids start out so fearless and then you start to see their fears develop over time. With all the storms recently Reagan has been getting more upset with the thunder and rain, she doesn't like it. Payton isn't fond of it either but has told us that the lightning she sees are the "lightning bulbs". Sometimes the storms wake her up at night and she'll come climb in bed with us, I always tell her if you're scared just come get Mommy I don't care if she wakes me up. Funny though she'll always climb over Tung and wake him up and I won't even know she's there!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Payton wanted to paint today so we took the watercolors outside on the little picnic table. Reagan really got into it also, it's the first time she's really painted with a brush and as you can see, she had a ball. Note the drips down her arm in the first pic and her warpaint in the second picture. She also used herself as a canvas!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Historical Society

I finally got the pictures of us from the Virginia Historical Society that they took back in the fall when we went to see one of the original Declaration of Independence broadsides. It's in the most recent newsletter too and the girl that took the picture of us is going to send me a copy so I can see it in print. Neat! The museum really was a lot of fun and I'd like to go back sometime.
Reagan's shoes
Reag loves to wear shoes now, not her own, everyone elses and they cannot match. She's always wearing two different shoes. The purple crocs in this pic are infamous, this particular one is missing and cannot be found. The right shoe we have but the left all we have is this picture. She also loves glasses and hats, Payton would never keep either on but Reagan will walk around forever wearing the glasses.
Dance pics
This is what Reagan likes to yell at me, especially in the car. Waiting for me to say, Yes Reagan what do you want to tell Mommy? She does it loudly and repeatedly wanting to make sure I hear her. I also think she wants to make sure she gets her words in over her sister who likes to answer for her. Reagan really pays attention to Payton, so much so that if you ask Reag how old she is, she'll attempt to hold up 4 fingers and will say proudly "Four!" She's heard Payton say that just a few times!
She's stringing a few words together now. On Friday she told Gail "Ayla licked me" and when Gail told me Reag repeated it for me to hear, so proud of herself. Also much to Tung's dismay, she knows Sno Shack and what it is. He said it's pretty sad when your almost 2 year old knows how to say Sno Shack and what it is. Only the best snowcones ever! I'm teaching her early :)
She's also been getting more afraid of things recently. All the thunderstorms we've been having, she's been getting upset and crying, and she got upset when Tung mowed the grass this morning, she was scared of the lawn mower. So interesting how the fears develop when she wasn't bothered by these at all before. She laid on Tung while we sat in the garage tonight and watched the rain because you could hear the thunder in the distance and it scared her. Such a sweetie.
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