Payton has been so super excited about Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve we went to church, they had a spontaneous nativity which turned out to be very neat. All the children were able to choose an angel halo, sheep ears, king crown or shepherd hat. When they read the Christmas story they called each group up as they went with the story. Payton wanted to do it and wore an angel halo, she went up to the front by herself no problem. She even ended up holding one little girl's hand. At one point she turned around and was looking for us, she waved real big and said "look there's my Mommy!"
She sings Rudolph all the time but instead of Rudolph guiding the sleigh, he "guards" the sleigh, it's so cute to hear her sing! She also sings Away in a Manger all on her own.
Reagan wasn't too into opening presents yet, she thought what was inside the presents was cool though a little baby just for her, a stroller so her and Payton both have one and other things to play with with the baby. The little Zhu Zhu pet hamster was fun too, Reagan liked chasing him around the kitchen. Reagan bit the leg off my applesauce camel ornament Payton and I made last year, she thought he was a cookie and said Yummy as I was taking him away from her, then she decided not so yummy because she spit it all out. 5 minutes later she was trying to eat the play-doh Payton was playing with.
We had prime rib, brussels sprouts and roasted red potatoes for dinner, and white chocolate raspberry torte for dessert. I'd like to drink more chocolate wine tonight but after the killer headache I had last night after drinking it, I probably shouldn't.
Christmas is always an exciting and special time of year but having kids makes it that much more special. Seeing them so excited, is the best thing in the world. Especially Payton this is the first year she's really been very aware and excited. She put out cookies and milk for Santa, sprinkled her Reindeer food outside on the snow and carrots for the reindeer, 8 carrots one for each of them. And was so excited this morning when she saw them all gone, except for a few carrots with bites taken out of them. She laughed and laughed.
Merry Christmas!
A blog to help me remember significant things I don't want to forget. That is when I remember to add them.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Reagan's words
Reagan's words have exploded in the past month. Recently she started saying "ap-pul" now everything she sees to eat is an apple. Tonight when I was reading her a book with one word under the pictures, one was a door, she knocked on the book just like we knock on Miss Gail's door in the morning. So fun to see her starting to connect together her words!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Oh what fun all the snow is! Payton loves it, Reagan not so much. She didn't like it on Saturday because it was still snowing and windy and stung your face a little, so we bundled her up and stood her in the garage. Poor thing she was a stiff marshmallow and didn't move at all wondering when we would take her inside. Today she was better but was still a marshmallow, she did let me sit her on the snow next to us while Payton and I made a snowgirl. I put water and food coloring in a spray bottle and let Payton spray pink on the snow. It wasn't very good to pack today so we couldn't make snowballs or a snowman very well. Payton wanted to come in as much as she wanted to go out because we told her we would make her hot chocolate to get warm.
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