Oh the unbelieveable fun of being home with my girls. In one day you color, cut, paste, watch and laugh. I was going to take her to Gail's house but she melted me when she said, "Mommy I can't wanna go to Miss Gail's house." I asked her why and she said, " Because I wanna stay with you because I love you." So yesterday afternoon after being with me all day I guess Payton was tired of me telling her, no don't stand on your toys, you'll fall...no don't climb up there you'll fall...no don't push Haby, he's growling and I don't want him to bite you...no don't stand up in the desk chair with wheels you're going to bust your head...that as she walked out of the room chewing on her arm, I asked her where she was going, she said to the kitchen to chew her arm so I wouldn't yell at her.
Cracked me up but at the same time made me sad to think all she thought I did all day was "yell" at her... we had fun, and she really was a good girl, I guess just the perspective of a 2 year old.